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When Should I Call OSF?

"I'm not sure if I should be calling OSF, but..."

"My friend gave me your number but I've only been separated for a month. Can you help me?"

"I'm considering separation but not sure what steps to take..."

Who is OSF for and when if the "right time" to call for help?

The answer is simply - anytime! OSF offers advice, guidance, and support to anyone at any stage in the divorce process, whether someone is just considering separation all the way to someone who has been divorced for many years but still facing divorce-related issues.

Before ORA launched the OSF helpline, the typical ORA caller had already been separated for 3 or more years. Often so much had already happened and the divorce was becoming extremely complicated and contentious. Since launching the helpline, we have been able to reach individuals much earlier on in the divorce process.

So, who actually calls OSF? Here is a breakdown of individuals who called us for the first time during our second year:

And, here is a more detailed breakdown of how long these callers where separated.

Many OSF callers have only recently separated and are reaching out for help early on. Knowledge is power and OSF is here to empower individuals to make the decisions that are right for them!

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